From small freckles to light brown café-au-lait spots and striking port-wine stains. In this article, you’ll learn about the types of spots that can appear on children’s skin, how they look, and when it’s advisable to seek medical attention.
Finding the right breastfeeding position can sometimes be challenging. In this article, you’ll learn all about the different breastfeeding positions - from the classic cradle hold to breastfeeding while standing. We also offer helpful tips for breastfeeding in public and answer common questions, so you and your baby can fully enjoy this special time.
Skin rashes in children are quite common and can have various causes. The causes range from infections with viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites to infections with viruses that cause warts. In this article, you can find out how the various skin changes manifest themselves and how they progress.
The term exanthema refers to a skin rash that typically affects larger areas of the body. In this article, you will find out what causes exanthema in children, what effects it has and how to differentiate between the various exanthema diseases.
Shortly after birth, newborns may develop a variety of skin reactions, most of which are harmless. Three common skin reactions are: newborn acne, pityrosporum folliculitis and seborrheic dermatitis. In this article you will learn how these skin reactions differ from each other and how they can be treated best.
In this article you will learn what neurodermatitis / atopic dermatitis or atopic eczema means, which causes are responsible and which skin areas are particularly affected. In addition, you will receive a detailed description and some tips on how atopic dermatitis can be treated in infants.
In this article you will learn which detergent should be used to wash laundry and baby clothes so as not to damage the sensitive baby skin, whether it makes sense to use fabric softener and which textiles are suitable for baby clothes.
Your baby has red spots around the mouth, pimples on the face, red & dry spots on the body or a sore and itchy bottom? Then you've come to the right place, because in this article you'll learn what these skin lesions mean and what you can do about them.
You might be pregnant? Click here to learn which symptoms indicate pregnancy, when the first signs of pregnancy appear and at what point pregnancy can be detected.