Laughing baby with mom

Useful tips by sanosan –

we – and our experts – support you with interesting information on skin care for babies, children and mums.

sanosan tips on the topics baby, mom + kids

Hautveränderungen bei Kindern

Changes in children’s skin

Skin rashes in children are quite common and can have various causes. The causes range from infections with viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites to infections with viruses that cause warts. In this article, you can find out how the various skin changes manifest themselves and how they progress.

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Virale Exantheme im Kindesalter Mobile Header

Viral exanthema in childhood

The term exanthema refers to a skin rash that typically affects larger areas of the body. In this article, you will find out what causes exanthema in children, what effects it has and how to differentiate between the various exanthema diseases.

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Woman with baby in her arms

The baby blues – sadness after birth

After the birth, besides moments of joy and relief, you also feel sadness and have to start crying again and again? This is completely normal and occurs in over 70% of mothers. Find out here what you can do against the baby blues.

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Nahaufnahme Baby Gesicht mit Pickeln und Milien

Neonatal acne: when pimples appear on baby’s skin

Shortly after birth, newborns may develop a variety of skin reactions, most of which are harmless. Three common skin reactions are: newborn acne, pityrosporum folliculitis and seborrheic dermatitis. In this article you will learn how these skin reactions differ from each other and how they can be treated best.

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pregnant woman stroking her belly

The ninth month of pregnancy – final sprint!

You are now in the last weeks of your pregnancy. You feel your baby more and more often and the increasingly strong movements can be painful from time to time. In this article, you will learn how your baby develops in the ninth month of pregnancy and how you can distinguish different types of labor pains.

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Frau in der dreißigsten Schwangerschaftswoche Wassereinlagerungen

The Eighth month of Pregnancy – Water Retention during Pregnancy

In the 29th week of pregnancy, things start to get serious: your baby needs more and more space and the water retention increases. But don't worry, these are usually gone within a few days after birth. Find out here what happens to your baby in the 8th month, how you can combat water retention and what examinations are due. Tips such as a high-fiber diet, wearing support stockings and light exercise will help.

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