You are now in the last weeks of your pregnancy. You feel your baby more and more often and the increasingly strong movements can be painful from time to time. In this article, you will learn how your baby develops in the ninth month of pregnancy and how you can distinguish different types of labor pains.
sanosan tips on the topics baby, mom + kids
In the 29th week of pregnancy, things start to get serious: your baby needs more and more space and the water retention increases. But don't worry, these are usually gone within a few days after birth. Find out here what happens to your baby in the 8th month, how you can combat water retention and what examinations are due. Tips such as a high-fiber diet, wearing support stockings and light exercise will help.
In this article you will learn tips and tricks on the subject of baby care. This includes the basics of swaddling and soothing massages for your little treasure, which you can easily integrate into your everyday life.
Now there are only a few weeks left and you probably can't wait to hold your baby in your arms. Here you can find out what's in store for you this month and what you should be thinking about.
In this article you will learn what neurodermatitis / atopic dermatitis or atopic eczema means, which causes are responsible and which skin areas are particularly affected. In addition, you will receive a detailed description and some tips on how atopic dermatitis can be treated in infants.
Krämpfe und Magnesiummangel in der Schwangerschaft und welche Arten der Geburt gibt es? Erfahre hier alles über den sechsten Schwangerschaftsmonat.
The second major check-up, frequent heartburn and the first movements of the baby - find out everything about the fifth month of pregnancy here.
In this article you will learn which detergent should be used to wash laundry and baby clothes so as not to damage the sensitive baby skin, whether it makes sense to use fabric softener and which textiles are suitable for baby clothes.
Learn more about the developmental stage of the baby, the symptoms and physical changes of the expectant mother in the fourth month of pregnancy. Also learn what new organ develops in the body of a pregnant woman during pregnancy.